If you are familiar with Apache, installation can take just a few minutes. Read through the steps below.
Make sure PHP is enabled:
Open the htttd.conf file for editing
Search for "LoadModule php4_module" or just PHP
Make sure it is uncommented
LoadModule php4_module libexec/httpd/libphp4.so
Search again for PHP and locate the AddModule Statement
Make sure it is uncommented
AddModule mod_php4.c
Save your changes
If you had to uncomment these lines, restart Apache
Many Unix/Linux/OSX installations come with PHP installed but disabled
Apple OSX is coms with it
If you don't have PHP - install it. Accept the defaults
YoDJ install comes with a php test program. You should use it as a sanity check
Copy Yodj directory from installation directory into your web server document root or a subdirectory of it
Create an Alias for the physical location of your music
On Unix based systems, it might look like this:
Alias /Music/ /SomePlace/MusicFiles/
<Directory "/SomePlace/MusicFiles/">
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
On a Win32 installation it might look like this:
Alias /Music/ "d:/musicfiles/"
<Directory "d:/Musicfiles/">
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
If you made these changes in your httpd.conf or user.conf file, restart Apache
You may want to do a sanity check on your alias and copy the test.mp3 file into the
base directory of your music directory as named in your alias and see if you can download it from a browser
Edit the yodj.ini file
Set rootdir to match the physical directory as given in your alias
Set webroot to match the Alias that you made. The trailing slash is important!